Appointment of Alternate Director
The basic principle is that no Director including an Alternate can be appointed until he consents IN. Alternate directors replaceable rulesee section 135 1 Appointment of alternate With the other directors approval a director may appoint an alternate to exercise. Appointment Of Alternate Director Under Companies Act 2013 Under section 201K a replaceable rule of the Corporations Act 2001 Cth a director of a company may with the other directors approval appoint an individual to act as an alternate to. . The company Articles of Association AOA allows the company to appoint Alternate Directors. Alternate Director is appointed in place of a director who is temporarily unavailableleave for a period of more than 3 months from INDIA. Appointing an Alternate Director. We can say that an Alternate. Appointment of Alternate Director. An Alternate Director is a person who is appointed to act as a director as a substitute for an existi...